Mit traumhafter Stimme gibt Sibusile Xaba ein Balkonkonzert.
Spielbudenplatz 22
, 20359 Hamburg

Mit traumhafter Stimme gibt Sibusile Xaba ein Balkonkonzert.


Spielbudenplatz 22

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Balkonkonzert: Sibusile Xaba

KwaZulu-Natal-born guitarist and vocalist Sibusile Xaba has all the makings of an acoustic guitar master. With a vocal style that is part dreamscaping and part ancestral invocation, Xaba divines as opposed to plainly singing. Combined with a guitar style that is rooted in expressive picking, Xaba’s music shatters the confines of genre, taking only the fundamentals from mentors such as Madala Kunene and Dr Philip Tabane and imbuing these with a mythology and improvisational intensity all of his own.

Einlass: 19 Uhr
Beginn: ca. 19:30 Uhr

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